Does God hate money and wealth? Jesus warns of several traps that wealth can lead us in to, but at no
time does God forbid us from being wealthy. What is the best example of this? Arguably the wealthiest
human that ever lived: Solomon.

Where does wealth begin?

The first step toward wealth: EDUCATION.

How do we attain knowledge?

Proverbs 1:7 – “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and
instruction.” NIV

The writer of Proverbs, Solomon, knows from experience that attaining knowledge starts with seeking
God’s wisdom.

1 Kings 3:5-15 shows us the beginning of Solomon’s journey to great wealth. God gives Solomon the
chance to ask for whatever he wants. What would you ask for if God asked you this question? Most
would drop the ball and ask for something from a selfish motive: unlimited money, power, material

Solomon asked for a “discerning heart” to “distinguish right from wrong”.

God was pleased with this request, as it was not for selfish things such as wealth/long life/death to his
enemies. Solomon asked for wisdom in order to carry out his governing duties in a fair and just manner.
His motive was leading God’s people in the best way possible.

God granted Solomon a “wise and discerning heart”, but because God was so pleased with his selfless
request, he provided Solomon with wealth and honor – more wealth than anyone in history.

LESSON – Our goals and motives need to be selfless. We are to approach God with a heart that has the
welfare of the needy as a priority. We need to educate ourselves; and knowledge begins with seeking
God’s wisdom.

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